Annual Events
October: Dating/Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is nationally recognized as Domestic Violence and Dating Violence Awareness Month. CARE participates in DVAM through multiple campaigns throughout the month. Red Flag Campaign is a passive public awareness campaign that brings attention to abusive behaviors or ‘red flags’ for domestic/dating violence. My Costume is Not My Consent is halloween-themed yard sign campaign that fights victim blaming on campus. The Domestic Violence Awareness Project offers more education, resources, and programming.
January: Stalking Awareness Month
January is nationally recognized as Stalking Awareness Month. Stalking Awareness Month brings attention to this lesser-acknowledged form of violence, and fights against myths that stalking is romance. CARE spends the month of January posting information about stalking resources, stalking in the media, and supporting survivors of stalking on our Instagram.
Stalking Prevention, Awareness, & Resource Center (SPARC) provides educational resources and advocacy tools about stalking.
February: Healthy Relationships Month
February is nationally recognized as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM). TDVAM is an opportunity to bring attention to violence in teen and young adult dating relationships, and to focus on building up healthy relationships education.
Love YoUR Valentine: Relationships, whether they are platonic, romantic, familial, all require C.A.R.E. and attention. Love YoUR Valentine is an annual event in February to promote healthy relationships through skills, tools, and self-reflection. Stop by the C.A.R.E. to grab resources for healthy relationships with ourselves and others!
Love Is Respect offers more information about TDVAM, and for dating violence and relationships education materials.
April: Sexual Assault Awareness Month
April is nationally recognized as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). Along with UR’s ongoing prevention efforts, SAAM highlights the opportunity to raise awareness about sexual violence, to teach our campus community how to prevent it, and to support survivors.
Take Back the Night: An annual event in which members of the UR community can share their story about how sexual violence has impacted their life or come to show their solidarity and commitment to ending sexual violence.
Denim Day: Denim Day occurs every year on a Wednesday in April, in which millions of people across the world wear denim to practice solidarity and support survivors. Wear denim to show that clothing does not equal consent.
The National Sexual Violence Resource Center provides more information about SAAM.